LLC Tbilservicegroup

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"Tbilservice Group" continues road marking works
11 February, 2023
"Tbilservice Group" continues road marking works. During the past week, the road marking service of "Tbilservice Group" LLC, carried out horizontal road marking works at the following addresses, around Tbilisi:

Vake - Saburtalo district: from University Street to the Church of the Ascension of the Savior; in Gldani district: on Noneshvili, Unknown Heroes, Shanava and Division streets; In Isani district: at the intersection of Queen Ketevan avenue and Tsinandali streets;

At the mentioned addresses, the road dividing lines, "stop" lines, "give way", guiding islands, traffic indicator arrows, pedestrian crossings and bicycle paths were drawn with cold plaster and acrylic paint. In total, 780.89 m2 of road surface was drawn.

The mentioned project was implemented on the basis of the task of Transport and Urban Development Agency of Tbilisi Municipality.
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