LLC Tbilservicegroup

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"Tbilservice Group" was given an award for employment of disabled people
06 December, 2022
Within the framework of the Week of Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, an employment forum was held in the Tbilisi City Council. The State Employment Promotion Agency, before the start of the forum, awarded the best employers and partners with commemorative certificates. As the best employer, LLC Tbilservice Group was given an award and a certificate. Currently, 46 disabled people are employed in the company. Davit Pachulia, director of "Tbilservice Group" attended the event. About 20 companies and organizations presented more than 100 vacancies at the event. People with disabilities looking for work had the opportunity to meet employers in a single space, receive information from company representatives and choose the desired vacancies. The event was attended by the community of disabled people, partners, employers, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations. The event was organized by the State Employment Promotion Agency, Tbilisi Mayor's Council working on issues of disabled persons, with the support of the President's Administration and the Tbilisi City Council.
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